Hello 👋 I'm Ana!

I'm a Software Engineer currently based in Toronto, Ontario Canada. I enjoy building quality and web accessible applications. I also love coaching and mentoring people. I enjoy learning from others too! I'm a continuous learner and I thrive working both independently and in a collaborative environment.

My career in tech started as a Desktop Application Developer and built a variety of customized applications. I later got interested in Quality Engineering writing automated tests, led Test Engineers, and guided teams in releasing quality products. After a few years in the QE domain, I decided to pursue web development with keen interest in frontend.

When I'm not coding, I enjoy watching movies, playing guitar and piano, and sometimes compose songs.

Javascript iconTypescript iconReactJS iconNextJS iconExpressJS iconGraphQL iconRestful API iconPostgres iconMongoDB icon
CSS iconStyled Components iconMaterial UI iconAnt Design iconTailwind icon